
Why You're Never Too Old to Learn Something New

Written by Regents Garden | 26/12/2020 2:00:00 AM

Learning something new is part of the joy of life. Whenever we are learning, we are growing - and we can learn and grow at any age. Somewhere along the line many people begin to believe that as they age, they become too old to learn something new. On the contrary, learning something new is a healthy, exciting thing to do as you get older and perhaps even have more time!

Let’s explore why, and how.

Common Misconceptions

It’s a sad but common misperception that as we get older, it’s harder to learn. Traditionally people have held just one or two careers in their lifetime so perhaps this is where the belief originated. After all, if you only have one career, the need to learn something new is lower.

But in today’s world of online learning, the expanding knowledge industry and increased vitality of older generations, we have a beautiful environment for ever-growing education and learning. The opportunities to learn something new are ever-expanding.

Another common misconception is that “my brain can’t handle anything new.” As our experience grows, we naturally develop more memories and thoughts and of course, our brain may feel ‘full’! But this doesn’t mean we don’t have the ability to take on new things. If you are motivated and focused, you will naturally learn. You’ll ‘make room’.

Have you ever thought “It’s too late, I’ll never do it”? Are you letting this thought limit your self-belief, your possibilities and the potential to do something you previously thought you couldn’t? Sometimes we hear an inner voice and believe it all too readily. What would happen if you challenged that inner voice and took a step that might feel a little scary? What possibilities might it open up?

Why You’re Never Too Old

Getting older is a fact of life, for those of us blessed with the gift of aging. As we get older, of course our body ages and there may arise some physical limitations - but they don’t have to be the final word on learning something new.

As long as you’re living, you’re learning something new. You can apply this ability to a focused skill or experience - such as learning a language, learning to paint or sing, or perhaps a new sport - to keep your learning brain active.

“I’m too old” is a social construct that has found its way into our vocabulary and unfortunately stops many of us from attempting to learn something new.

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning

You’ve probably heard that staying active in your body and in your mind is how you stay healthy. Playing sport, going for walks, doing puzzles, challenging yourself with quizzes… these are all commonly known ways of staying active in body and mind.

The same applies to learning something new. By challenging your brain with new concepts, ways of doing things, applying itself, you’re keeping your brain active and as fit as you can.

Aside from health, learning something new is great for our self-esteem! Confidence often grows with age, but we can all benefit from a boost of confidence from knowing we’re capable of doing new things, coping with new experiences. It proves to us again that we always have something to add to the world.

Learning something new often also introduces you to new people and ideas. Attending a class or coaching session often involves meeting new people and, if it’s a course or program, you’re likely to develop relationships and spend time with people you otherwise wouldn’t.

How to Find Something New to Learn

Now that you’re interested in the idea of learning something new, how do you get started?

Consider interests you had as a child, or things you’ve always been curious about but perhaps never truly investigated. There may be hobbies you had when you were younger, but were let go because of other commitments.

How would it feel to reignite those passions? Do you have more time now to cultivate those interests, and dedicate the time you always longed to?

Another way to find something new to learn is to ask your friends. They may have activities and interests you’re not aware of, because they assume you’re not interested. Try asking around and see if you uncover an idea that sparks inspiration in you.

Now that you’re considering learning something new, you’ll also be open to messages you may have otherwise not heard. For example you may notice ads or stories in the newspaper, online or in a conversation. Something you may previously have ignored might pop out at you and ignite a thought to follow up on this new activity.

If you’re living in a retirement village, there’s a good chance you’re surrounded by organised activities, and people doing new and interesting things. Consider getting involved!

Your mind is open - now the world is your oyster!

Living in a retirement village can be a wonderful gateway to new experiences and activities you otherwise may not know about. Looking around, you’ll find lots of opportunities to learn something new. In addition to this there are many benefits of living in a retirement village. We’d love to discuss how the Regents Garden facilities may be right for you. Please feel free to get in touch for more information and to discuss how we may become part of your life.