
What Kind Of Aged Care Is Best For My Parent?

Written by Regents Garden | 20/07/2020 12:00:00 AM

When it comes to living options for aging parents, Australians have several different types to choose from. As we’re sure you’re aware, it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. After all, your chosen aged care option will come to define your parent’s quality of life. So it’s that much more important to take the time to see what’s out there, know the difference, and opt for the best fit.

In this blog post, we’ll give a brief description of the different care options available today and highlight which types of people are best suited for each.

Private aged care facilities

Retirement villages

If your parents are active, social and still have an abundance of pep in their step, they’re best suited for a retirement village. This is for retirees who are focused on getting the most from their golden years, surrounded by like-minded people of a similar age, with access to a range of high-quality amenities. The retirement bungalows at Regents Garden are a great example of what a retirement village in Perth can be when it’s done right: fine dining, health and wellness, a gym, as well as entertainment facilities that include a luxury cinema.

Aged care residences

If your parent is still active but in need of regular care or medical assistance, an aged care residence might be the best option. Most retirement villages have aged care facilities either next door or nearby, which makes it that much easier for a resident to transition into aged care as their needs change. As the level of care a resident might need in an aged care facility can vary so drastically, they’re equipped with the staff and facilities to help elderly residents with everything from meal preparation and dressing, through to round-the-clock monitoring. When it comes to aged care in Perth, Regents Garden offers state-of-the art facilities and exceptional quality of life. You can learn more about our luxury aged care residences here. 

Memory care

If you’ve noticed your parent becoming more and more forgetful, or have seen them struggle to recognise friends or family, then you may need to consider a memory care option. These vary in the range of care offered, but always have specially trained staff who are able to meet the unique needs of an Alzheimer’s or dementia patient.

Government aged care options

The Australian government offers a number of different care services for older citizens, ranging from someone to lend a hand at home, all the way to aged care homes. The key difference between government care and private care options for aging parents is that government care has strict eligibility requirements, with less focus on a luxurious quality of life. For more information on government care options, you can visit the My Aged Care website portal here.

Regents Garden offers high quality aged care that your parent is bound to love. To learn more about our uniquely compassionate approach to aged care in Perth, click here to get in touch. If you’ll still be caring for your parent at home for the time being, click here to download a copy of The Essential Guide To Caring For An Elderly Parent.