
5 Safety Tips For Older Australians Living At Home

Written by Regents Garden | 16/03/2020 12:00:00 AM

There’s a growing number of older adults who are choosing to live independently rather than joining aged care communities as their support needs change. But home safety for seniors comes with unique considerations. When a parent’s decided they’d prefer to stay at home as they get older, there’ll be a host of things you’ll need to take into account to help them stay safe. Here are 5 key tips to help ensure they enjoy the best quality of life possible:   

Remove any potential hazards

Assess their home and garden and identify any potential hazards that can be removed. These include tripping hazards, like loose rugs, or fire hazards like fraying electrical cords. Developing routine checks can help you keep on top of this task by breaking it down into manageable chunks. Check in regularly — on one visit you could ensure, for instance, that their living space remains clear of unnecessary clutter and on another, that the fire alarms are in working order. 

Have an emergency plan

Simply preparing for an emergency will go a long way towards helping everyone feel more secure during the average day. 

  • Keep a list of emergency numbers handy, in large enough print so that it’s easily read in a hurry or when frightened.
  • Install emergency buttons in accessible locations and consider getting your loved one a personal mobile alarm.

Get better lighting

Lighting can help compensate for vision loss that may put your loved one at greater risk of falls. Stairs, steps, paths and bathrooms are worth paying particular attention to as they’re areas where your loved one may be at high risk of a misstep.   

Create accessible space

Structural home modification doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s worth getting started on these types of safety adaptations sooner rather than later. Plan ahead to do the work in stages, and you’ll slowly find the house transforming into a space accessible to someone with higher support needs. Things to consider:

  • Prepare the space to accommodate the use of mobility aids and other assistive devices.
  • Simpler modifications can include widening doorways, installing ramps instead of stairs, installing grab rails in the bathroom and lowering some counters in the kitchen.

Enlist the help of an in-home caregiver 

Home safety for seniors is a concern that doesn’t happen overnight. As your loved ones care needs change, you may find yourself eventually enlisting the help of a regular, in-home caregiver. This will help them maintain a good quality of life while staying independently. Home care is subsidised by the Australian government and could range from a little help with daily activities, to individualised support to suit their personal needs. For instance, it may mean getting some help with functional daily activities like shopping or grooming, or transport services that help maintain a healthy social life.

If your loved one needs a little more support than in-home options can give, an aged care residence like Regents Garden may offer the perfect blend of a caring, family atmosphere and specialist frail care support. Check out The Essential Guide to Choosing The Right Aged Care for a quick overview of what your options are, this will help you to start exploring which aged care option can give your loved one the support they need, when they need it.

At Regents Garden, we dedicate ourselves to providing the best quality of life possible to our older community members through world class, luxury aged care in Perth. Contact us to chat about your loved ones’ needs and see how we can help you ensure they enjoy their golden years with the care and attention they deserve.